Long time no talk...
It's been over two weeks since I finished up part 2 of the cruise project and came back to Tokyo, but I'm still running around catching up on work.
I made some friends on this trip too!
There are some tricks behind making friends when using English
For example, it might feel odd to share personal information like your family or past experience to someone you just met in Japanese, but in many English-speaking countries, this is totally natural.
I'm sure you've seen scenes in movies in which some chummy guy takes out his wallet to show another guy a picture of his kids.
This actually happens a lot in real life.
This shows how often people from English-speaking countries prefer to speak about their personal lives - more so than Japanese people.
It's a way to get people to get to know you and remember you, and by talking about yourself and assessing what gets the other person's attention, you can find what you have in common with him/her.
Once you find a common interest, you can hone in on that interest and appeal your character within the scope of that interest.
Another thing you can do is to properly react to what people say.
Japanese people tend to nod a lot, but give very little to no facial reactions.
As such, Japanese people are often described as "difficult to read" or "hard to know whether they're genuinely interested in what I'm saying."
It's said that Americans use 60% of their facial muscles, compared to 20% for Japanese people.
It might feel strange in Japanese, but in English, try to exaggerate your expressions - laugh harder when you find something funny, and open your eyes wider when you're surprised! What you feel as "too much" is probably "just right."
As a bonus, it might also be a good workout for your face...?
I have other tricks, but I'll share them at another time! Hopefully in a more organized manner...
Have a lovely night!星