Happy Saturday!




I read an interesting HBR article a while back.




It was written by Erin Meyer, an INSEAD professor who specializes in intercultural management and organizational behavior.




She is of the view that the most important factor for those aspiring to succeed globally is not language abilities, negotiation techniques, business skills, or manners, but instead, "cultural awareness."




Based on over 10 years of research on the business culture, trends, and customs of various countries, Meyer delineates how to approach business negotiations depending on the country and culture of the other party.





One key criterion is "emotional expressiveness." This varies greatly depending on country and culture.






For example, in India and Italy, honest emotional expression is a key ingredient when trying to establish strong trust between two parties.




If the other party is not raising their voices and openly showing emotion like anger and laughter, the negotiation is deemed to be stalling, or this is a sign that the other party is distrustful of you.




In contrast, in countries like Japan and Korea, people tend to restrict emotional expression, and hiding emotions is the norm.




Someone who openly expresses emotion may be deemed "passionate, willful, and strong" in India and Italy, but the same person may be coldly brushed off as "inappropriate and immature" in Japan and Korea.




Japanese businessmen who do business in India, Spain, or Italy might often find it difficult to form a strong, trusting relationship, since Japanese people tend not to show their emotions...





Another criterion I thought was interesting was "ways in which opposing views are expressed"...whether the culture is confrontational or non-confrontational.






In Israel, France, and Russia, people are emotionally expressive and confrontational.




In particular, Russians tend to go into negotiations with the intention of confrontation. If the other party constantly contradicts you or expresses disagreement, this is in fact viewed as a sign of a fruitful discussion, and that the negotiation is heading in a positive direction.




In contrast, in Saudi Arabia and the Philippines, open emotional expression is favored, but confrontation is to be strictly avoided. When stating opposing views, one does so politely and delicately, as if in passing.




My view of German culture is stoic and non-expressive, but it appears Germans do like confrontations.




I recall a German friend back in college who was so unemotional that he could pass for a robot, but who also loved heated debates.




And, Japan! Very little emotional expression and non-confrontational.




When you look at it like this, I'd say doing business in Japan is the most difficult for most people in the world...there seems to be the most number of rules and norms regarding "proper communication" in Japan.




For those of you who want to know more about this, I'd recommend Erin Meyer's The Culture Map.




I think anyone can enjoy this book, even if you're not necessarily interested in global business.




It's surprising to think that one person's behavior and statements can be received so differently, depending on country and culture.



Well, I'm off to bed...



Have a lovely night!星