Hey all, how's it goin'?




Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I was able to (kinda) experience the "center test," or the standardized college entrance exam in Japan.



I took the English section of the test.




Since English is my native tongue, of course I was able to get a perfect mark!



In fact, it would have been alarming had I not been able to get all the problems right, since I also work in the English education industry.




Of course this hardly compares to the pressure high school students feel when taking the test, I was able to have the rare experience of taking this center test in a similarly tense and somewhat stressful environment.




In the U.S., we also have a standardized exam called the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT).




But unlike in Japan, you can take it multiple times.




Furthermore, in addition to SAT scores, college acceptance is based on other factors such as short answers, essays, and an interview that demonstrates the applicant's personality, character, and uniqueness, as well as leadership and communication skills displayed through volunteer, work, and sports experience.




There were also very broad short answer questions like "What is your favorite music?" or "Who has made an impact on your life?". It took a lot of thinking to answer these vague questions in a way that made me stand out.


In other words, applicants are evaluated not as "students," but as "people."




When I applied to Harvard, my GRE scores weren't that good, but I still got accepted through my essay, the recommendation letters, and my past experience.




I would never have been accepted into Harvard had I been assessed only by my GRE score.




I wonder which is better...in the case of Japan, it's all or nothing; everyone is evaluated using the same standard, so individuality and creativity aren't rewarded. But a certain level of quality is preserved, so for the universities, there is minimal risk.




In the case of the U.S., because applicants are assessed on more than just grades and IQ, students with a wide variety of talents are accepted; however, this also means that not all of those accepted eventually succeed in the university or are a good fit with the culture.





Hmm. I wonder what it's like in other countries?






Aaaand today, I went to an event that received foreign students who recently arrived in Japan to study Japanese!




Oddly enough, many of them hail from Sweden...I wonder why?




I worked hard all day today! Definitely deserve a beer!



Have a wonderful night! Cheers :)



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