Happy Hump Day!




And the year-end parties continue!




Yesterday was pork shabu-shabu...




And today we're having our AbemaPrime Wednesday team year-end party, and yet again, I shall be consuming pork shabu-shabu...






And today, I had lunch with a colleague before visiting a client's office for a meeting.





The client mentioned something today that was interesting.




Japanese people tend to be risk adverse, so they would often openly speak about potential risks and the worst case scenario, as they feel it is their obligation to do so. On the other hand, in the West, a strong position is deemed favorable in negotiations, so stating something that can weaken your position is viewed as stabbing yourself in the back.




This cultural trait is evident in the way Japanese people speak English, as they often use words and phrases that negate themselves.




As a result, many of our students and clients unconsciously use the word "but" and "although" a lot.




This is somewhat unnatural, as it makes you sound less confident and weakens your message.




Confidently stating something is I suppose quite rare in Japan. In a good way, it means Japanese people are careful and eschew irresponsible statements. In a bad way, it means they are highly risk adverse and passive, sometimes to a fault.




I found it interesting that this sort of national character is often reflected in the way Japanese people speak English.




I suppose this is more about mindset than grammar.









Have a wonderful night!




1月2日(月) 22:00~ ニュース女子(MX)
1月19日(木) 6:00~9:00 クロノス(TOKYOFM/JFN)
1月21日(土) 20:00~ みのもんたのよるバズ (AbemaTV)

毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00