Happy Saturday!




Today I had a bunch of company-related work stuff and stopped by a Sri Lankan restaurant in Aoyama for lunch.







Lamprais, which is apparently a typical Sri Lankan meal.






Several types of curries and a boiled egg in the middle. Served in banana leaves!




I got to enjoy different flavors, and the meal was super delicious! Made me want some Lion Beer...




そういえば、今日アメリカ人の友達に、日本語で「I love you」ってどうやって言うのか聞かれましたキョロキョロ

Btw, today, an American friend asked me how to say "I love you" in Japanese.



例えば英語だと、彼氏や彼女に「I love you」と言ったり、親友と話してて電話をきるときに、「Love you!」って言ったり。

For example, in English, we say "I love you" to boyfriends/girlfriends, or end a phone call with a good friend with a simple "Love you!"




I feel like "Aishiteruyo" is a bit too heavy...but then, "Sukidayo" seems awkward too.




Googling led to this Shiseido commercial...






Accents differ according to prefecture, but most use some version of "suki" or "daisuki."



でももしかしたら、アメリカ人は「I love you」や「love」というワードを使いすぎていて、意味がどんどん薄くなってるのかもしれませんね。

But perhaps we Americans overuse the phrase "I love you," or the word "love," and this has resulted in a decrease in the word's significance and value.



例えば私の場合、一日に何回も「I love...」を使います。親や妹に「I love you」。マックで食べたら「I love Big Macs」。友達へのメールの終わりには「Love ya!」。

For example, I use the phrase "I love..." numerous times throughout any given day. I say "I love you" to my parents and sister. I proclaim "I love Big Macs" if I eat at McDonald's. I end emails to my friends with a "Love ya!"




The Atlanticの面白い記事をみつけたんですが、ある研究によると、アメリカは移民により成り立った多民族国家であることから、共通する文化や考え方が比較的に少なく、だからこそコミュニケーションがダイレクトでストレート

I found an interesting The Atlantic article that found research that showed that since the U.S. is composed of various cultures and ethnicities, and there are relatively less cultural commonalities shared among the population, communication is direct and straightforward.




On the other hand, in countries like Japan where the population is ethnically homogeneous, there are many shared cultural norms, traditions, language, and customs, so much is left unsaid and communicated implicitly.




So interesting...




What do you say to your significant other?



Have a wonderful night!


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