Good evening! How was your day?




Today, YUNA left to go back to San Francisco...sob.




For her last dinner in Japan, since YUNA had never eaten offals before, we went to a yummy motsu nabe (offal hot pot) restaurant in Meguro.





Bye YUNA! 大泣きうさぎ大泣きうさぎ大泣きうさぎ




And today, I read a curious TIME article.




Have you ever heard of ikemeso danshi, or ikemeso delivery service?




Apparently, it's a service through which a client is visited by a good-looking guy who isn't embarassed to cry, and they watch tear-jerking videos and movies together to shed tears and release some stress.



Albert Bonsfillsという写真家がネットを通してこのサービスを知り、興味を持ち始め、わざわざ東京まで来てイケメソ宅泣便を頼む女性の写真を撮り始めたのです。

Photographer Albert Bonsfills read about this service online and, intrigued, travelled all the way to Tokyo to take photos of Japanese women who order this service.






(Albert BonsfillsさんのサイトTIME記事より)





“People create something that is not real. They have these dark parts and they don’t want others to know or see what’s really happening ... so with these photographs I wanted to show the balance between the beauty of their society and the effects of the pressure from work to be perfect.”




Hmm...demand and supply; real needs give birth to such services.



TIMEの記事で知ったのが驚き。やはり日本人は「overwork (仕事しすぎる)」というイメージが海外では強いので、こういうサービスは珍しく、メディアに取り上げられるんですね。

I'm surprised I found out about this service through a TIME article. The world's image of Japanese people is that they overwork, so this kind of service is uncommonly unique, and therefore garners media interest.



Have a lovely night!


12月15日(木) 21:00~ ザ・プロファイラー (NHK)
12月24日(土)20:00~ みのもんたのよるバズ (AbemaTV)

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