Hello from Hakone!


I'm here in Hakone with YUNA!



We did a lot of sightseeing and a ton of walking in the morning, so the hot spring feels soooo nice...




YUNA is taking a nap, so I thought I'd write about a topic that I'm frequently asked about these days.




The concept of political correctness has been taken up in Japanese media quite frequently recently, triggered primarily by the U.S. presidential elections this year.




The literal translation aside, the simple definition is "statements and actions that do not include prejudice or racism."




It's not necessarily a rule that designates what's correct and what's incorrect, but rather, it's more of a concept...a kind of social contract that calls for mindfulness to avoid offense in language.




This concept has been preserved in the U.S. in particular because the country is composed of people from a myriad of ethnic, religious, cultural backgrounds and with various sexual/gender identities, not to mention the handicapped and disabled, as well as differences in social status.




Because all of these races and ethnicities create the unique culture and American society we have today, at its foundation, America must be composed of citizens who respect each others' differences.




But Trump's victory has incited many discussions on political correctness in the U.S.




Has political correctness become overemphasized in the U.S.?



That's not PC」とは、よく使われるフレーズなんですが(特に若者の間でかな)。

(politically correct = PC)

The phrase, "That's not PC" is commonly used in the states (especially among young people, I think).




The phrase means "you shouldn't say that because it's racist," and it's really frequently used.




Americans are sensitive...especially when it comes to racism and hate speech.





But with Trump's vvictory, there are more and more people who are voicing thoughts they've kept inside them for a long time and openly stating that "America is too sensitive" and that "We should be freer to say what we think, like Trump."





It's true that some people take political correctness far too seriously. Americans live in a society in which they feel the pressure not to say the wrong thing; they have to run each statement they make through the PC filter in their minds first.





I don't agree with those who say this is too cumbersome or language is overly regulated, or that this infringes upon freedom of speech. But I do understand where they're coming from.





Especially after coming to Japan, I've felt how sensitive Americans are about race.





For example, I was surprised that in Japan, when compared to the U.S., there isn't much political correctness about race and ethnicity.




アメリカでは絶対言ってはいけない、すぐに「That's not PC」と指摘されてしまう発言を親戚や友達が言ったり。ある文化や人種に対するネガティブなステレオタイプを平気で口にしたり。

Relatives and friends would say things that wouldn't be acceptable or PC in the states. Or, openly make statements about negative stereotypes of certain races and cultures.





My Jewish girl friend M came to visit me in Tokyo, and I introduced her to my Japanese girl friend A. A told M, "Your nose is so...high! And your face is so small." 





M was taken aback because this was not a PC statement...There exists a stereotype that Jewish people have large noses, and M thought a small face meant a small brain, and was therefore offended. And to begin with, it isn't considered PC in America to comment so directly on someone's facial features.





This was A's first time intereacting with a foreigner, so I suppose there was a lot she didn't know.




An overly political correct U.S. and a not-so-politically correct Japan...which is better?





I suppose it's a bit pointless to compare them in the first place, because these are countries with completely different social contexts.





According to the NYT, last month's stats on hate crimes in NYC doubled when compared to the same month of the previous year.





An Arab police officer was threatened and told to "go back to your own country." An Arab woman was called a terrorist and intentionally pushed down the stairs.





Because political correctness was preserved as common sense for so long, America with its many cultures, races, and ethnicities had been able to stay united until now...




Who is an American? The country's identity itself is being called into question...




Sorry for the long-winded post! I know my thoughts are disorganized, but I'm on vacation so please give me a break...




I'm mulling over such thoughts as I enjoy soaking in the hot spring.



I hope you have a fantastic night!

12月7日(水) 13:00~ 土屋礼央 レオなるど (ニッポン放送)
12月15日(木) 21:00~ ザ・プロファイラー (NHK)
12月24日(土)20;00~ みのもんたのよるバズ (AbemaTV)

毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00