Hi guys, Happy Thanksgiving!




The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day in America.




It's a holiday that's equally as important as Christmas...actually, to me, it's even more significant than Christmas.






The day that you cook a turkey is also the day to tell your friends, family, and loved ones how grateful you are.




Approximately 400 years ago, Pilgrims traveled across the sea from England to the Massachusetts colony.




The winter of 1620 was particularly severe, and many Pilgrims lost their lives; however, the Pilgrims were taught how to grow new grains like corn from the Wampanoag tribe living nearby, and they were able to survive because of this newfound knowledge.




The following year, in 1621, because the harvest was especially bountiful, the Pilgrims invited the Wampanoag to a feast to give thanks for the aid they had offered.




It is said that this was the start of Thanksgiving (although this is only one among various theories).






Thanksgiving is a day to spend with your family. Ever year, we would invite our family friends to our home and roast a turkey.




I'm afraid it's quite difficult to roast...or even buy...a turkey here in Japan...








I'm so thankful for the life I have now, for the new and exciting opportunities that I have had the fortune to pursue, for friends old and new, for my talented colleagues and a manager whom I trust with anything, and last but not least, for my supportive and loving family.



Have a wonderful night!



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