Good morning!




This morning's earthquake was quite a strong one...were you all right?




I lived on the east coast, where there are rarely any earthquakes, so the slightest shake gets me all nervous.



昨日は講演会と収録でした!そのあとお友達のダーツバー (JACK五反田) で妹とお疲れ様の乾杯生ビール

Yesterday I had a speaking event and a shooting. Afterward, I had drinks with my sister at a friend's darts bar.




I had the event at Ferris University, and the campus was so nice! Visiting Ferris made me want to go back to my college days.




I received a lovely bouquet as well!






So, there was a news article that recently caught my eye.




In the African country of Malawi, an HIV-positive man named Eric Aniva was convicted of having sex with widows for the purpose of "ritual cleansing."







In Malawi, the cultural and traditional practice of widows having sex to purify their bodies and exorcise evil spirits is still strong (though it is prohibited by law).




Aniva is a type of sex worker called "hyena." His job is to have sex with not only widows, but also young girls who are hitting puberty, as a rite of passage to womanhood.




These young girls receive "sex education" by these hyenas, who are hired by the girl's parents. This custom of forcing ritualistic sex upon a child is not deemed as rape by the local people, and instead, treated as a method of spiritual purification.




Girls as young as ten are forced into these rituals.




Aniva stated in a BBC interview this year that he did not disclose his HIV status to the families and widows who hired him, which led to his arrest and conviction.




Child marriage is deeply rooted in Malawi's culture and society. This is a battle between "traditional practices that are decades old" versus "modern global standards of human rights."




If such a practice continues, the rate of HIV/AIDS will not decrease, and there is no hope for progress for the promotion of women's education in Africa.



Last year, Malawi raised the age of marriage from 15 to 18. However, in addition to legal measures, in order to resolve a problem so deeply rooted in the conservative and traditional societal fabric of Malawi, village chiefs and other influential members of society must also raise their voice against the violation of children's and women's rights.




Such grave news, makes you realize how truly big the world is. This is something that is unthinkable to us, living in Japan.




Hope you have a terrific Tuesdayチューリップ



11月27日(日)13:30~15:00 そこまで言って委員会 (読売テレビ)

12月15日(木) 21:00~ ザ・プロファイラー (NHK)
毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00
毎週木曜日 中村愛とREINAの水と油なおんなたち (楽天FM) 深夜1:00~2:00