!السلام عليكم
Assalam-Alaykum is used as a greeting in Arabic.
I'm starting to lose my Arabic, so I've been talking to myself a lot in Arabic these days...
Today I had a shoot.


I was with Mr. Dave Spector, and after the shoot, he graciously took me out for some coffee.





With Dave's acquaintances, whom he happened to run into.

Taken by Mr. D. Spector.
It's strange because Dave has been in Japan longer than I or Jason has...we're both Americans, but the base of our conversation is Japanese.
After a bit, Dave kindly switched to English, knowing I'm more comfortable in my mother tongue.
(mother tongue = 母国語)
I was able to gain some very valuable info and drink a delicious smoothie.

Yesterday, I had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen for a long time! We grew up together in NJ and attended the same Japanese school on Saturdays.

つくねの盛り合わせー!つくねもアメリカで流行ってきてますよ…メニューには「Japanese Meatball(ジャパニーズ・ミートボール)」とよく書かれてますがキョロキョロ
Assortment of various tsukune! Tsukune has become quite popular in the states as well...though they often list it as "Japanese meatball" on the menu.
The topic of most of my shoots these days is on President-elect Donald Trump.
I'm often asked what kind of person Trump is and who in Japan would be closest to his image/position. But this is such a difficult question to answer.
Because, there isn't anyone here that is like Trump. I can't explain to Japanese people why the way Trump speaks and the words he uses, as well as what he's said and done in the past, make me shudder.
The image and impression that I and many Americans (50%, I suppose...) have of him were made after spending a long period of time in the states.
This image we have of him is so very strong, and this is why it is shocking that half of America has a completely different image and expectations.
"I had to pinch myself after I heard the results. I had to check if this was a nightmare (paraphrased)," said an influential TV host (Colbert) on his show.
In Japan, has there ever been an election where you had to pinch yourself after you heard the results? Probably not, which is why this is so hard to explain.
This is what's difficult to explain. In addition, I want to say to some of the commentators here, who haven't spent much time in the states, and who bring up facts and figures and poll numbers to cooly explain things that are happening on the other side of the world, that you aren't getting the actual, complete picture.
Why people are getting so emotional over this. And who, as the trigger of this madness, Trump is. Why the people Trump is considering for various key Cabinet positions are just as appalling as he is.
But alas, I suppose this is the going ons of a country halfway around the world. There's probably no demand for a deeper investigation into what happened.
This has been making me feel so...uneasy. Maybe I should start my own online show...hah.
Have a terrific Tuesday!爆笑
11月16日(水)25:00~ きらきらアフロ(テレ東)
       ※関西地区は、同週金曜 24:12~24:42
11月20日(日)「ハリセンボンの聞かせてよ!」(ヨシモト∞ホール) 開場12:45 / 開演13:00
11月21日(月)23:15~0:15 橋下×羽鳥の番組 (テレ朝)
11月21日(月)講演会・フェリス女学院大学 緑園キャンパス 17:00~
毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00
毎週木曜日 中村愛とREINAの水と油なおんなたち (楽天FM) 深夜1:00~2:00
米大統領選、翌日の株価に注目 厚切り&REINA語る