Happy Sunday!

I was running all over the place yesterday...


I went from an outdoor shoot to my company's workshop to back-to-back meetings to a live shoot to a radio shoot...

(back-to-back = 連続、立て続け)



ふかわ先輩のJWAVE OTHERSに呼んでいただきました…話題はやっぱり一時間ずっと大統領選挙ニヤニヤ

I was invited to Mr. Fukawa's Jwave OTHERS radio show...the topic was of course the presidential elections for the full hour.





Yesterday was a pretty strenuous day, so I begged my manager, who was with me the entire day, to have some drinks with me...





The owner is picky about the shape and size of the ice cubes




And my manager smugly explained that the taste of the drink changes according to how the ice is prepared.






I do suppose presenting the ice cubes so boldly does make the drink look more appealing...






Gin & tonic! I hadn't had this in a while...




When I was studying to get my bartender license way back when, I learned that gin was originally invented for medical purposes.

(way back when = かなり昔、かなり前に)




Tonic water was also consumed for its health benefits, but since tonic tasted bitter back then, the English began mixing it with gin, lime, and sugar, developing what we today know as the gin & tonic.




Twas a fun night!




Have a splendid Sunday! Enjoy your weekendグラサン



11月16日(水)25:00~ きらきらアフロ(テレ東)
11月20日(日)「ハリセンボンの聞かせてよ!」(ヨシモト∞ホール) 開場12:45 / 開演13:00
11月21日(月)講演会・フェリス女学院大学 緑園キャンパス 17:00~


毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00
毎週木曜日 中村愛とREINAの水と油なおんなたち (楽天FM) 深夜1:00~2:00
米大統領選、翌日の株価に注目 厚切り&REINA語る