Happy Hump Day!




Thank you for all your comments about how to express "menstruation/period."





Personally, the phrases "Ladies' day" and "From this day my menstruation cycle will begin" piqued my interest. I'll try using them!




Reading the comments, I got the sense that opinions vary; some like to be told by their female friends when they're on their period, and others feel quite awkward about the subject.




In comparison, I feel that topics about sex are more openly discussed in the states. It's not strange for a girl on a TV show to be on her period, and at my high school, we learned about and discussed these topics in co-ed sex education classes.




But even in the states, I think this might vary according to the person or region.



そういえば、私は普段からお手洗いにいきたいときに、英語では「I need to go pee (おしっこいきたい!)」と言ってるんですが、、、

Which reminds me...I often say "I need to go pee" when I go to the bathroom, but...



以前、ルーマニア人と付き合っていた時、「(peeという) 汚い言葉を使わないで」と注意されました。ルーマニアではありえないんだそう。

When I was going out with a Romanian guy, he told me not to use such a vulgar word like "pee." Apparently, this isn't really acceptable in Romania.




I realized that depending on the culture, there are certain taboo words and topics that aren't frequently discussed.




So, I wasn't trying to say that my guy friend, who responded quite negatively to my admission of being on my period, was a bad guy. According to the person and culture, there are some topics that can be discussed openly, while others should be avoided...




Everyone is free to think their own thoughts, so I wanted to respect others' views...which is why I was wondering whether there are more indirect ways to express "menstruation," leading to my writing yesterday's blog article.





Btw, there are so many other interesting euphemisms out there!




For example...


  • knocked up (i.e. She got knocked up.)。日本語でいう「できちゃった」に近いかな。「to knock up~」は「~を妊娠させる」。「妊娠している」は「I'm expecting」や「I have a bun in the oven(パンがオーブンに入っている)」と言います。


  • nature calls (i.e. Sorry, I gotta go - nature calls!) 自然が呼んでいる…「トイレに行きたい」と言いたいときに使います。他にも「I need to relieve myself」とか。


  • enhanced interrogation (i.e. The CIA was conducting enhanced interrogation techniques.) 直接訳すと「強化された尋問」。「拷問」とダイレクトに言いたくないときに使われる。


  • a little thin on top (i.e. Dad is starting to look a little thin on top.) 「ハゲてきた」という意味です。


  • been around the block (i.e. The lawyer has been around the block and knows what he's doing.) 「経験豊富」という意味なんですが、たまに「性的に経験豊富」というちょっとネガティブなニュアンスで使われたりもします。ちなみに、日本ではよく「ビッチ」と聞きますが、英語で「bitch」は「性格が悪い人(主に女性)」を指す罵倒語。尻軽な人のことは「slut (スラット)」と言います。


  • make love to, sleep with, fool around with, get it on with, get laid, hook up with, do it with, bang, go all the way with → これらすべて「~と性交渉をもつ」という意味で使うことができます。それにしても多いな…






Have a wonderful Wednesday! 晴れ



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