How was your Monday?




Recently, I've felt the urgency of learning kanji and Japanese grammar, so I've started reading Japanese news and books.




Just like you all might hesitate when you see a text that's written in all English, I suck at reading anything that's written completely in Japanese, whether it be a book, TV script, or magazine...even when I'm researching Japanese domestic news, I first check whether there have been any English media reports about the news.




But I realized that just like a lot of Japanese media is superficial about global news, global media is superficial about Japanese news. If you want to know about the latest in Japan, you have to check Japanese media in Japanese...a no-brainer, I guess.




So I'm trying hard to study Japanese, but I won't feel motivated if I approach it as "studying," so I found a book that would interest me...






The author is lawyer and writer Ferdinand von Schirach.




A terrorist hijacks a plane in German airspace, planning to crash it into a soccer stadium and kill 70,000 people. An air force officer arbitrarily makes the decision to shoot down the plane.




All 164 passengers are killed. But 70,000 lives are saved.




Is the air force officer a killer? Or is he a hero?




The story takes place in a court of law. The reader goes through the arguments of both sides -- the prosecutor and the defense -- and in the end, makes the decision as to whether the officer is innocent or guilty. Two separate endings have been prepared.




I haven't finished the book yet, but it has really made me think about what terrorism is, what the law is, and what I would do if I were in the officer's shoes.




Btw, it appears this was original a play. The audiene participates and votes on the verdict, and that's the ending they get to see.




I wanted to know the stats behind the verdicts, so I looked it up and found the data on the play's website.







A little over 17,000 jurors, and 60% of them voted not guilty.




The graph is pretty interesting. The horizontal axis denotes the dates, and the vertical axis shows the percentage of people who voted not guilty. The P and B mark the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks, respectively.




B doesn't seem to have much impact, but after P, the percentage of people who voted not guilty rose sharply.




After Paris, we revisited the old discussion on "what is terrorism." Given this, was what the air force officer did truly terrorism...?




I wish schools would include books like these in their curriculum as part of ethics/moral education.




Although there's bound to be some PTA folks who'll make a fuss and say that it's too radical.




Please check it out if you're interested!




Have a lovely Tuesday!



10月29日(土)東京都市大学等々力祭 開場14:30 / 開演15:00

11月6日(日)13:30~15:00 そこまで言って委員会 (読売テレビ)
11月7日(月)19:25~19:55  ニューベンゼミ (NHK)
11月16日(水)25:00~ きらきらアフロ(テレ東)
11月20日(日)「ハリセンボンの聞かせてよ!」(ヨシモト∞ホール) 開場12:45 / 開演13:00


毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00
毎週木曜日 中村愛とREINAの水と油なおんなたち (楽天FM) 深夜1:00~2:00