Happy Saturday!照れ




It finally arrived yesterday...





It's the state of New Jersey's absentee ballot.





In the U.S., states manage vote collection, so the methods and system differ by state; however, all states have an absentee voting system through which American military personnel and citizens living abroad can vote via postal mail.






Plus, because polling centers get super crowded on election day, early voting is allowed in most states. In 2012, a third of the total votes was cast through early voting (source).




Btw, if you're wondering how astronauts in space vote...




From 1997, astronauts can vote digitally from space via a secure system.




The vote is received back on earth in the form of an email, and the lag time is reportedly around 20 minutes (source).




Even if they're in space, there are people who follow the elections and use their right to vote, so I feel it is irresonsible when people back on the ground say they're not interested in the elections or they're not going to vote.




There's a strong impression that Americans have high political awareness, but this depends greatly according to region and class, and because high political awareness does not always lead to an actual vote, voter turnout in the states is comparatively low.




Voter turnout in 2008 was 62%, but this dropped to 54% in 2012...a number that doesn't stray far from Japan's low figure.








Among OECD countries, Japan and the U.S. have very low voter turnout figures...






Belgium and Turkey enjoy high voter turnout because not only are their citizens politically aware, but voting is also made compulsory by law.




In Sweden's case, education plays a big role in developing political awareness among children and teenagers.




I wonder what the turnout will be for this year's U.S. elections?




Those who were previously indifferent to politics and the elections are probably much more aware of this year's elections because of the highly entertaining nature of it, so perhaps turnout will increase.




Or, because many view this year's elections as a complete shitshow for which they have to vote through a process of elimination, perhaps there will be more people who avoid voting because they can't choose a lesser of two evils.




November 8th is right around the corner!




Have a splendid Saturday!ハンバーガー生ビール



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