
An interesting dictionary has recently become available online!





Green’s Dictionary of Slang






The English language contains a lot of slangs.




Our students often tell me, "I don't have enough vocabulary so I need to memorize more!"




Instead of memorizing new and difficult words (that are often not used on a daily basis anyway), it's much more efficient and practical to completely master the different ways to use the words you already know.




For example, the word "hot."



熱い」という意味もあるし(hot tea; hot weather)、「セクシー」という意味もあるし(hot woman)、「話題の」(hot news)、「辛い」(hot peppers)、「熱狂的」(hot baseball fan)という意味も。



have the hots for~」は「~に恋してる・~性的に惹かれる」→ I have the hots for Brad Pitt. 



hot and bothered」は「慌てている」→ She was hot and bothered about the missing report.





Even such a simple word like "hot" has different meanings according to how it is used!




There are some vulgar terms, but if you're interested, try taking a look at the Slang Dictionary!




Have a wonderful night!お月様