




Trump may not be able to regain his ground after this one...




Today, an audio of Trump speaking lewdly about women was released.




The revealed audio was from a 2005 shooting of a TV show that Trump appeared on, in which Trump was casually conversing with the host on a hot mic. The audio was obviously not aired at the time.








He bragged about trying to "put the moves" on a married woman, and he insisted that as a star, he can do anything to women, making numerous sexist comments in the audio.



「僕は自動的に美しい女性に惹かれるんだ…マグネットみたいに。」 美しい女性をみつけたら、何も言わずにいきなりキスするときもあると、自慢は続く。

"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women...like a magnet." He also said that sometimes, he goes straight for a kiss.




Using vulgar language, he continued his rant that "stars could do anything."




He has repeatedly made deragatory comments about women, such as when he called Alicia Machado, who won Miss Universe in 1996, "Miss Piggy," or the comments he made against her on Twitter.




Trump has released a statement saying that he regretted saying what he did more than 10 years ago. He already suffers low support from women, and the emergence of this lewd audio may just be the nail in the coffin for his campaign.




Americans tend to view work and personal life as seperate things, a proclivity shown by Bill Clinton's continuation as president even after his sex scandal. However, the comments Trump has made are out of the question, causing an uproar in the states.




One month before the elections. I wonder if it was meant to be released at this timing? It seems the Washington Post obtained the audio and first released it.





Trump is fighting hard to change the topic to Bill Clinton and his past treatment of women, but the damage has already been done...I really don't think he can regain his ground.




Who knows what will happen now!






I'm going to a jazz cafe tonight with a friend - a rare and fancy weekend for me!



Have a super duper Saturday!おねがい



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10月10日(月)深夜1:58~ アカデミーナイトG (TBS)

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