Happy Tuesday!




For the first time in a long time, I started my day really early to visit one of our clients' office.





Out of the house by 7AM =Venti-sized Starbucks coffee





I was asked today how best to study English at home, which is a frequent question I get.




There are a lot of methods, but what I'm recomminding recently is to talk to yourself.




It's obvious that if you don't use a skill, you won't improve. Increasing output time will lead to greater potential for improvement.




In the end, regardless of whether you listen to podcasts every day or read the news in English, if you don't speak, you end up with all knowledge and no skill.




Instead of approaching English learning as a "study," aim to acquire speaking in English as a "habit."




One of our trainees at Spark Dojo constantly talks to himself in English -- at home, on the train while wearing a mask, and so on.



何かを落としてしまったら瞬時に「Oops!」と言ったり。探し物をしているときは「Where is it? Where did I put my phone?」とブツブツと呟いたり。

If he drops something, he immediately says "Oops!", and when he's looking for something, he will mumble to himself, "Where is it? Where did I put my phone?"




He is improving at a surprisingly rapid pace. It's truly astonishing.




He has the mindset of himself as a native speaker, and he constantly mumbles to himself in English, or talks to the TV when watching a show, as if he is one of the characters.




Going to English sessions once a week does not lead to improvement! This may be quite obvious, but too many people are satisfied by just attending classes.




Classes are where you can test the results of the home training you have done.




And talking to yourself is an effective way to train your English mind and increase the speed at which you switch to your English mind and process English.




I'm gonna start talking to myself in Arabic too...




Have a terrific Tuesday!りんご




10月10日(月)19:00~ ネプリーグ (フジテレビ)
10月10日(月)深夜1:58~ アカデミーナイトG (TBS)

毎週木曜日 バイキング (フジテレビ) 12:00~14:00
毎週水曜日 AbemaPrime (AbemaTV) 21:00~23:00
毎週木曜日 中村愛とREINAの水と油なおんなたち (楽天FM) 深夜1:00~2:00