
I received an interesting comment yesterday





I wondered what this was about so after doing some research, I found out there's a story developing that hasn't been covered much by major media outlets...





Was Hillary sending signs to moderator Lester Holt throughout the debate?





Were Hillary in cahoots with Holt and controlling the topics and direction of the debate?

(in cahoots with = グルになる)





Was the debate rigged?






When I saw these articles, at first, I thought that this was just another conspiracy theory backed by zero evidence. But as it turns out, there does seem to be some evidence...




First of all, regardless of whether the debate was rigged or not, Lester Holt's overall performance as a moderator was quite atrocious.








Moderators are the keepers of time and topic, controlling the direction of the debate. But Holt continuously allowed each candidate to speak way past their given time slot, often let the debate go off topic, and didn't dig deeper when he should have.





And, he clearly gave the impression of being biased. Holt interrupted Trump over 40 times, while he only cut in when Hillary was speaking 7 times.





He grilled Trump about his refusal to disclose his tax returns, his doubts over Obama's birth certificate, and his initial support for the Iraq War.




In contrast, he showed no intentions of digging into the Benghazi incident, the email scandal, the ongoing FBI investigation, or the financial scandal surrounding the Clinton Foundation.





As a result, particularly in the latter half of the debate, Trump naturally went on the defensive rather than going on the offensive.




And the video that is causing a stir is this:






Hillary touched her face numerous times throughtout the debate. Each time she did this, a minute or two later, Holt would ask Hillary to speak, or question Trump's statement, or grill him with a hard question.




If you look at the clip, the last instance is the most convincing...after touching her face, Hillary looks directly at Holt.




Hmm...what to make of this? This theory is more convincing than the average conspiracy theory...




Several media outlets have analyzed Hillary's past speeches and debates and concluded that she rarely touches her face.




But in this debate, the number of times she touches her face borders on being unnatural, and the fact that Holt did not completely fulfill his duty as moderator also helps spread the flames of this conspiracy theory.




But there's no definitive proof, so whether Hillary just happened to repeatedly touch her face from anxiety or discomfort, or whether she was consciously sending signs to Holt is a question that will likely fade away into obscurity.







What do you think?



Have a lovely Saturday! ちゅー




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