Good morning!


How's your Saturday going?タコ




I received a request to write in both English and Japanese, so from now on, I'll try to do so as much as possible!




This is a pretty random topic, but what kind of keychain do you use?




Yesterday, a friend pointed out that I put too many things on my keychain...





It's the same with my cell phone strap. Once I put something on, I never take it off, so it keeps on accumulating.




If I remember correctly, the (pretty dirty) orange Mickey Mouse key cover is something my mother bought me over 10 years ago, the first time I went to Tokyo Disneyland.




I bought the red flower in Barcelona, during my travels with my sister in Spain.




The small brown hut/house is something I bought when I took a week off my job at Reuters and went on a solo trip to Toba Lake in Indonesia.




And, I bought the Harvard keychain the day I graduated!




Ah, and the purple chip is so I can get into my gym!




Lots of memories!



Have a splendid Saturday!ウシシ