Reina's Blog In English!?

Reina's Blog In English!?

English translation of Tanaka Reina's blogs


Long time no seeラブラブ!ラブラブEveryone!!

The Kaito Reinya book本1 page

was shown on Reina's blog, did you guys see!?!?!?

I'll specially show you guys another pageラブラブ

Reina's Blog In English!?

Kaito Reinya-chan who's stuck in a windowドキドキLOL

Reina's Blog In English!?

Inside her pouch・・・・・・

is filled!!!!! with gold treasure~ラブラブ!音譜

Reina's Blog In English!?

is what you'd think!?

But actually????

Reina's Blog In English!?

It's sponge(━∪━)


Release date is June 25thニコニコパーラブラブ

Everyone read it ok目キラキラ

ドキドキTanaka Reina's Blogドキドキ

The Kaito Reinyaキラキラ plushie sold out???

Oh myドキドキ


Reina's Blog In English!?

For those who couldn't buy it

let's get more in stock得意げパー

Reina wants more too ドキドキLOL


Kaito Reinya doll'sキラキラ boyfriendドキドキ

has been foundにひひチョキ

I'm just saying this on my own accord

The other party haven't even agreed to it yet・・・(LOL)

His name isキラキラMa-kun Lionキラキラ

it seems(^∀^)

His hair is all bushy

looking so free with a smooth hair styleアップアップアップアップ

He also appears on Reina's blog

Here's Ma-kunドキドキ


Reina's Blog In English!?

Cool音譜isn't he得意げグーFu~

Will Kaito Reinya-chan's wish

be granted????


I almost forgot to tell everyone this important thingあせるあせるあせるあせるあせる

Oh man(LOL)


To commemorateキラキラ the DVD release

It has been decided an event will be held in Augustドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ

None of the detailsssssあせるhave been decided yet

What needs to be done will certainly be doneパーキラキラ


ドキドキTanaka Reina's Blogドキドキ


Looks like there's some Kaito Reinyaドキドキannouncements todayにひひパー


1キラキラReinya plushieキラキラ
Beginning today!!will go on sale  ドキドキドキドキ

Like this得意げパー


2The life size [Kaito Reinya] sticker
is being displayed at キラキラKDDI Designing Studio in Harajukuキラキラ
(On the 3rd floor slope)

It will be there until April 30thラブラブ!チョキ
Everyone go check it outアップアップアップ

That's allひらめき電球
This was bought to you by
Tanaka Reina and Kaito Reinyaラブラブ


ドキドキTanaka Reina's Blogドキドキ