the lack of administrative enforcement | air jordan 6 chaussure のブログ

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g it difficult for polluters beating. Second, the lack of administrative enforcement coercion. "Stop building", "ordered to suspend business closed" and other means of coercion is difficult to effectively implement existing at the grassroots level, the Court of environmental cases handled filing, examination, hearing, ruled that procedures take a long time, resulting in illegal sewage behavior can not be corrected. Third, environmental civil compensation system isair jordan 6 pas cher
not perfect. Due to lack of operational environmental damage appraisal and evaluation of technical specifications and management mechanisms for pollution damage and the causal relationship is difficult to determine the amount of compensation, many pollution cases protracted, costly litigation, cause environmental problems has become an important incentive rights groups raised the event.How out of the "NIMBY" dilemma "21st Century": In many environmental groups category incident, caused by a waste incineration plant in the event of particular concern environmental groups. Industry agree that the siege of garbage incineration plant is to solve practical choice, but in the country have produced a "NIMBY" Action (Not In My Back Yard), that is, you can build, but not in my backyard building. How do you think out of the "NIMBY" dilemma Wang Yinan: waste incineration plants near residential areas in many developed countries and major scenic spots can be built, PX has production plants in many countries, however, these projects was repeated protests in the country. One important reason for this contrast is that some of our people to the existence of local governments and enterprises distrust. Within the past couple of years from a large multi-national group events constantly warns us: This crisis of confidence has accumulated to the ext

ent that the healthy development of the shackles of our economy and society.In the current regulatory environment to escape the phenomenon of prominent people to report frequently to nothing, question the masses of the project is understandable, not to mention a lot of public hearings and risk assessment procedures are often going through the motions of major projects, the real decision-making process did not allow the masses participation, it is difficult to gain the support of the masses. How to enhance the government's credibility has become placed in front of the government at all levels, test of the government's ability to govern a major issue.In addition, the rapid increase public awareness of environmental activists, while China's environmental education is very lag. Due to lack of electromagnetic radiation, dioxins, heavy metals pollution and other aspects of scientifair jordan 3 achat
c knowledge, quite some environmental activists have events people are, "they do not understand, then do it," the activist irrational psychological, resulting in some of the EIA Standard conducive to people's livelihood projects have been demonized, and with the rapid spread of modern communication technologies in the country. "Enterprise has not been contaminated, people thought the first conflict," so a lot of local government quite helpless. Therefore, an urgent need to strengthen public awareness and knowledge of environmental education, the environment and guide the public demands a rational expression.Improve public participation mechanisms"21st Century": Do you think, how to curb the spread of China's environmental situation class group events fundamentally Wang Yinan: the most urgent task is not updated environmental governance and technology, but to make up for a series of system defects as soon as possible,

resolve conflicts from the source. Only the most strict system, the most stringent rule of law, in order to effectively curb the spread of Environmental group events. First, implement a new "environmental law", the government will implement environmental responsibility. Environmental performance over the past largely depends on the quality of local leadership and consciousness (not a strong legal constraints), it is recommended to implement the new "environmental law" as an opportunity to focus on "the government overall responsibility for environmental quality." requirements, focused on solving some of the local government of Environmental Protection, as the chaos, law enforcement and other outstanding issues interferencair jordan 4 pas cher
e environment, create or strengthen a number of systems and mechanisms (such as strategic environmental assessment and planning system from the scientific decision-making, law enforcement supervision, accountability, etc., target responsibility system, forced out of heavily polluting enterprises compensation system, regional ecological compensation system, environmental emergency management systems, etc.), the environmental responsibility of the government to the letter.Secondly, strict liability pursue polluters to effectively solve the problem of low-cost illegal. Recommendations on the basis of the provisions of the existing law on tort liability, enact separate environmental damage compensation law clearly bear the main responsibility for environmental damage, the scope of liability, the basic system of liability approach, relief and ways, environmental and ecosystem damage and citizens welfare included in the scope of compensation for the damage of private interest, establish environmental damage appraisal and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of environm