Japanese traditional Hotel <よかった旅館> | Inside the Battle with Temptation <煩悩との戦い>

Inside the Battle with Temptation <煩悩との戦い>

I’d like to share not only my daily work life and sports-watching experiences but also my struggles and tips for managing my diet and health.

Hello, I'm Tata.

こんにちは たたです。



I used to go on business trips.




I'ld Like to talk about Ryokanhottel in Toyako. 




There aren't many accommodations on the west side of Hokkaido.




The few good hotels fill up quickly, making it difficult to choose a place to stay.




I happened to stay at a hotel a bit farther away, and it was excellent.

たまたま泊まったホテルが当たりでした 全部で7泊くらい泊まりました



My company's travel expense policy allows up to 10,000 yen, and while this hotel isn't quite double that, it is still fairly pricey.




The cost exceeds the allowed budget, but I've been approved since there are no other available accommodations.




First of all, with a welcome drink.

まずはウェルカムドリンク 各種日本酒飲み放題



Having breakfast and dinner included is very convenient.

朝食、夕食付 会席料理








Plus, they offer all-you-can-drink sake, beer, sours, and highballs.

さらにビール お代わり4ジョッキ



Beer, hot springs, and saunas. It was fantastic.

ビールに温泉、サウナ 最高でした



It's a shame that I won't have the opportunity to go there anymore since I'm now working in the office.

内勤になって行く機会がなくて残念です あぁビールが恋しい



Today's results




I still didn't drink alcohol today.