

I've been reading a book titled Dog Stories by Dr. James Herriot, a famous vet in the UK. This time I read it through comparing it with the Japanese edition, which was translated by Mr. Masanori Hata, aka Mutsugoro-san.


It reminded me of my childhood memory.
On a fine day in the '80, I was walking down a street with my pet gerbil(アフリカ砂ネズミ) on my head, when Mutsugoro-san walked up the hill. The location was around 小原流会館 in Minami-Aoyama.

He was quite famous at that time as he had a regular TV series and directed some movies featuring animals. His office was located around Aoyama.

He glanced at my gerbil and smiled. I was too shy to ask for a handshake or autograph, so I just stared at him. It was my first time ever to see celebrities, so I felt I got butterflies in my stomach.

Then I turned right at the corner one block short of Yokumoku Street, and on my left was the house of Yukio Togawa, who used to write novels featuring animals. Then, walking along the road, I went down the hill (at my right, there was 根津美術館). Around here, my great grandfather used to live temporarily, so my grandpa went to the same public elementary school that I did(青南小). At the bottom of the hill, turning left, there was my home where I lived from age zero to three.

I was heading toward a park called 三角公園 to let my gerbil play in a sand pool. Gerbils are known as "desert rats", so they love bathing in the sand. After I moved from Nishi-Azabu to Aoyama, I constantly kept visiting this park.

There was a tiny cosmetic shop and the owner may have been suffering from juvenile dementia, but nobody knew such a disease a few decades ago, so his wife just yelled at this poor guy all the time, and the neighbors just whispered he was an idiot.

In front of that shop was a vegetable store, and the owner always gave me a banana whenever he saw me. Surprisingly, he suffered from stomach cancer, even though he ate vegetables(売れ残りだから古い野菜) every day.

Moving on, there was a house where beautiful sisters, Sumiko-chan & Junko-chan lived. Their mother was Swedish and I bet the elder sister was much more beautiful than Tsuchiya Anna. I often saw her on kids' clothing books, (as my mom loved to make clothes, my house was full of sewing pattern books), but she didn't seem to be interested in the entertainment industry, but I couldn't find her on any media afterwards.

A few houses away was my oldest/childhood friends' house. Yumi-chan & Kou-chan. Their mother used to be a hostess, and often went out bar-hopping with their school teachers and even the school principal.この辺の学区は笄小学校。ゆみちゃんのお母さんがPTA会長になった時は風紀が乱れるとかでお母さん方がボイコット運動を起こしたほど。が、そんなことでへこたれる人じゃなかった!


