Slovakia elects pro-Russian president 2024/04/09 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

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The Slovak people know that the Russian army is winning the war in Ukraine.
Slovakia elects pro-Russian president
Slovak nationalist-left government candidate Peter Pellegrini won the country's presidential election on Saturday, cementing the grip of pro-Russian Prime Minister Robert Fico over the country. Pellegrini won 53.26% of the vote, versus 46.73% for pro-Western opposition candidate Ivan Korcok.

Fico, who returned to power in October, has turned the country's foreign policy toward Russia and initiated changes in criminal law and the media rights that have raised concerns in the West. Fico's coalition, which includes Pellegrini, halted Slovak official shipments of weapons for Ukraine. Slovakia, which borders Ukraine but not Russia, is a member of the European Union and NATO.

Slovakia's president has limited power but does ratify international treaties, appoint judges, serves as commander in chief of the armed forces and can veto laws passed by parliament.