Netanyahu must be removed, TopFormerIsraeliSpies | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Hello everyone in the world where English is the official language.
This blog is a place to write facts and truth.
Netanyahu must be removed, top former Israeli national security officials say

A number of groups of former heads of Israel's domestic intelligence agencies have harshly criticized Netanyahu.
I also support a group of former heads of Israeli security services who are trying to overthrow Netanyahu.



Israel Is Hurtling Toward Dictatorship, Previous Shin Bet Chief Warns

Nadav Argaman charges that Netanyahu government’s planned judicial overhaul is ‘regime change,’ says security bodies could collapse from within

Haaretz Mar 17, 2023

The former director of the Shin Bet security service has harshly criticized the Israeli government’s overhaul of the judicial system, saying that the only person who can halt the process is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In an television interview, Nadav Argaman described the planned reform, which critics say enfeebles the judicial system for political reasons and which has led to weeks of massive public protests, as “a car hurtling toward the abyss.”

Speaking to Channel 12’s investigative ‘Uvda’ program, Argaman said that Constitution Law and Justice Committee chair Simcha "Rothman has fallen asleep at the wheel, [Justice Minister Yariv] Levin is holding the steering wheel, Bibi is navigating, and we’re lost.”

Argaman, who was appointed Shin Bet chief by Netanyahu in 2016 and led the agency for five years, added that, “this is a world turned upside down, a crazy work. The anarchist has become the ruler.” He went on to warm that “only one person can stop this madness. That’s the prime minister. He is the one who pushed for this whole move, which was meticulously planned in advance, and he’s the one who can stop it. Everything is entirely in his hands.”

Argaman also said that he fears that Israel in on the brink of a constitutional crisis and insisted that the head of the Shin Bet “must listen only and exclusively to the law.”

“The head of the Shin Bet is subordinate to the prime minister, but above all, he is subordinate to the law,” he said.

Argaman rejected efforts to reassure the public, saying that, “this cannot be underplayed. It’s a regime change, legally turning Israeli into a dictatorship. That’s what this is. I hear members of the coalition saying, ‘Trust us,’ and when somebody tells me to trust them, I know that we’re in big trouble. Who can I trust? Simcha Rothman, the most extreme of extremists? Ben-Gvir, the anarchist criminal? Smotrich, who wants an economy built on God’s help? Netanyahu, who can’t find the brakes and is hurtling toward the abyss?”

Argaman said that it he were still head of the Shin Bet, he said he would be most concerned about the rift in Israeli society and protecting Israeli democracy, which are part of the Shin Bet’s mission.

“The greatest concern is that if these laws are passed, Israel will find itself on the threshold of dictatorship and if Israel finds itself on the threshold of dictatorship, we could witness the collapse from within of state bodies,” he added. “People in the [Shin Bet] service, the Mossad, the IDF and the standing army who decided that they will serve can just as easily decide one day that they will no longer serve.
And if they see that a dictatorship is emerging here and they decided that they do not want to serve this ruler or another, they could decide to leave the organization…
That is extraordinarily frightening, but we could find ourselves there