2024/04/20 ポーランドで低学年の宿題が無くなる | Ladybird大人クラス用教材ブログ



The Polish government recently implemented strict limits on homework for younger school children, with mandatory homework banned for grades one to three and optional for grades four to eight, no longer counted in final grades. Ola Kozak, an 11-year-old student, sees this change as a chance for more free time for her hobbies like music and drawing.

 However, opinions among parents and teachers vary. Ola's father views the change positively, believing it could improve students' school experience, while her mother disagrees, seeing homework as a reinforcement of daily learning. 

Teachers express mixed feelings, with some feeling the change was rushed. Worldwide, discussions on homework's effectiveness persist, with studies showing mixed results. South Korea imposed homework limits in 2017, yet students often study excessively to excel academically. 

In the US, homework policies vary by school, with some eliminating homework entirely to prioritize play and family time. Finnish education expert Pasi Sahlberg emphasizes the importance of trusting teachers to determine suitable homework levels for individual students.

Questions for students:

音譜What are your thoughts on Poland's decision to limit homework for younger students? Do you believe it will positively impact their overall well-being?

音譜How do you personally feel about homework? Do you find it helpful for reinforcing what you've learned in school, or do you think it's unnecessary?

音譜Considering the differing approaches to homework around the world, which system do you think is most effective in promoting students' academic success and personal development?