2024/04/11 東京カラス問題 | Ladybird大人クラス用教材ブログ



Crow Noises May Be Answer to Tokyo's Crow Problem


If you eat your lunch in a park, you'll know just how persistent hungry birds can be.

And few birds are more persistent than crows.

Of course, if they don't get any of your lunch, there's usually a nearby garbage bag for them to raid.

The mess they create causes big problems for many of the world's cities, including Tokyo. And here's where a Japanese company called CrowLab comes in.

The company's researchers think the best way to keep crows away from garbage is to use other crows to scare them.

No, we're not talking about a team of crow police — the company is using crow sounds to scare the birds away.

The company has a small device, about the size of a shoe box, that uses infrared sensors to detect when a bird comes close.

Then, the device makes the same sound crows make to let other crows know there's danger nearby.

The device was tested between June and September last year in Tokyo's Adachi ward — and early results were very good, according to officials.

The ward then bought five of the devices in December. It said they've also helped remind people about putting their garbage bags securely under garbage nets, since the devices make the crow sound when people move close to them too.

But crows are clever, so the city may still have more work to do!

What are your thoughts on CrowLab's invention?



Are there a lot of crows where you live? Do they cause problems?



Have you ever had a bird steal your food?



Have you experienced problems with animals getting into your garbage?
