2023/09/15 マイクロアグレッションって何? | Ladybird大人クラス用教材ブログ



Experts have criticized Prime Minister Kishida's statement during the cabinet reshuffle, where he said, "I hope that the unique sensitivity and empathy of women will be utilized."(女性ならではの感性で…..) They find this statement uncomfortable, considering it outdated and based on stereotypes about women, suggesting that it reflects unconscious biases.

 Nowadays, discussions about gender equality and appearance bias are crucial, especially in official settings.

Phrases like "You could be a good wife because you are good at cooking" can be criticized from a gender perspective. Similarly, when someone says, "It's great to hear that, despite being a woman, you're getting promoted," it implies surprise based on gender stereotypes, suggesting that women typically don't advance.

While these statements may initially seem trivial or even complimentary, they reveal underlying unconscious beliefs that perpetuate the idea that women can't excel in certain areas. This behavior is known as "micro-aggression," and it often leaves people feeling drained.

ウインクHave you ever unintentionally used such words or phrases? 

ウインクDo you believe that micro-aggression is pervasive, and should we be especially cautious about avoiding such language?