Continuing from the data I posted to this blog on April 7th and 14th, I calculated the death toll from Wuhan Coronavirus as a percentage of the population of each country (as of April 24th).
Spain   =0.021%→0.036%→0.048%
     (4694万 [46.94 million]:22,524人[people])
Italy     =0.027%0.033%→0.043%
     (6036万 [60.36 million]:25,969人[people])
France =0.013%0.021%→0.033%
     (6699万 [66.99 million]:22,245人[people])
UK       =0.008%→0.016%→0.029%
     (6665万 [66.65 million]:19,516人[people])
U.S.A.   =0.003%→0.007%→0.015%
     (3.272億 [327.2 million]:50,360人[people])
Korea   =0.00038%0.00042%→0.00046%
     ( 5147万 [51.47 million]: 240人[people])
China    =0.00024%→0.00024%→0.00036%
     (14億++[1.4 billion ++]:4,632人[people])
Japan   =0.00006%→0.00011%→0.00019%
     (1.259億[125.9 million]: 345人[people])
193,000+ people have died worldwide.
In the latest academic paper said, "Wuhan Coronavirus destroy the endothelial cells that make up the walls of the capillaries." When the endothelial cells are necrotic, blood leaks into the tissue all at once. If so, it can be understood that not only people with weakened immunity but also those with diabetes and hypertension, where the blood vessels tend to be damaged, suddenly change their condition.