System Engineer Hasegawa-san. | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 今回の記事は長谷川さん。桑野 の知り合いということで、彼が「知人紹介制度」を利用したところ、縁があって今年1月に弊社入社となったシステムエンジニアです。知人紹介制度は、弊社の場合、支給額もかなりの額なので、普通は紹介者、被紹介者で山分けするんですが...長谷川氏の場合は飯だけ桑野にごちそうになって、お茶を濁されたそうで、ご愁傷様です。



Hey there, M.S. here.

This weeks article is by Mr. Hasegawa. (On a side note, Kuwano got hired after being introduced by Mr. Hasegawa and entered the company in January, 2011. When an employee refers someone and that person gets hired, the employee receives an considerable bonus. It is customary to split this bonus with the
person who got hired, but in this case Kuwano just got treated to some good food.)

The article is about the current utilisation of IPMI at CyberAgent. Lately servers without serial connectors have been increasing, so the sight of engineers interacting with servers via serial cables of OBP is steadily
decreasing. As such the the article provides an interesting insight into the future of server management at CyberAgent.

That's all from me for this week, please enjoy the article.