Comparing the efficiency MySQL versions and ... | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ







 また、インターンの募集 も、現在佳境に入っています。昨年も人気だったラボコースに加え、今年はセキュリティコースも新設しています。セキュリティ会社の現場で、外部Webサイトの監査を行なっていた一線級のエンジニアたちが、講師になります。セキュリティエンジニアのインターンは、私の知るかぎり、募集が少ないので、これで飯を食べていきたいひとはチャンスかと。

 さて、今週のブログエントリは、過去のレポートより、MySQLの各バージョン、ストレージエンジンの性能比較です。第1回レポートということで、かなりデータとしては古いのですが、当時でも、すでに安定したバージョンを使って検証していますし、実は来月末をめどに、今後のBtoC向けRDBMSの本命? MariaDB( )の検証レポートがあがってくる予定なので、このレポートと最新のMariaDBの検証結果を比較すると、より有用な情報となると思っています。



Hello, M.S. here.

Last weekend, I went to Osaka for recruitment activities. This time I had to return home on the same day, so my Osaka experience was unfortunately limited to a local specialty lunchbox. On a more positive note, we had many excellent interview candidates, this in spite of a short notice period for the interview. While there were a number of candidates from well known Internet service companies, I couldn't help but get the feeling that Osaka is not really orientated towards BtoC services. Most of the candidates were not working on large web service like Yahoo Auction. Most of them just maintain small subsystems. They would like to change their jobs to make a large web service, such as Facebook, by themselves in Osaka.

Next month, Mr. Nagase and I will be heading to Osaka and Fukuoka to participate in recruitment events. Interested parties are welcome to come and participate! (Please note that people who want to work at the Osaka office can apply to the Tokyo head office for recruitment as usual.)

Our Internet recruitment activities are also reaching a peak again. In addition to the popular lab course from last year, we be hosting a security course as well this year. The lecturers for the course will be engineers who have much experience with performing security evaluations for external web services with security companies. As far as I know, there have not been many applications for this course yet, so this is a good chance for those of you who are interested in participating.

This bring us to this weeks blog entry. Rather than the reports (on various individuals) we had in the past, we will be comparing the efficiency MySQL versions and storage engines. For the first report, we will inspect an older, more stable version of MySQL. Another report on the newest Maria DB is scheduled to be done by the end of next month. Comparing these two reports should provide some very useful data.

Ok. Please chech the IT report.