Korean application Engineer Yu-san | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 弊社もAmebaPICOのサポートや開発に数人の英語ネイティブをおいたり、こちら(アメリカ)でも最新機器を検証ができるエンジニアを採用中ではありますが、それでも外人エンジニアはまだまだ少数派。 異国の会社で働いた経験も多数ある彼らに、今回、我々の職場や文化はどう見えるのか、率直に述べてもらいました。






Hello, folks.

We will post a two blog entries today as usual. The first entry is about the summary of our past IT report. The second is about the work environment in our department. The non-technical entry was posted by Yu-san and two Korean engineers. Yu-san is currently in charge of the Ameba blog for mobile devices.

We have a few native English-speaking staff for Ameba PICO, and have a plan to hire a U.S. engineer who can go over the cutting-edge IT appliances. However, we don't have many foreign engineers now. That's why I asked them to post an article regarding their feelings about Japanese engineers or Japanese culture.

By the way, as you may know, I live on the West coast of the U.S now. I usually think it is great that most Japanese have a lot of diligence, and take care in their business output to ensure their customers as well as Americans have positive feelings (about every thing). Do you know Newsweek magazine named Japan the Best Country in the world ? When I was a child, most teachers and news commentators told us we should learn everything from the U.S. because the U.S. is such a great and big country. However, we currently have some confidential technologies such as robots and confidential cultures like healthy food. I think it is necessary for us in the future, as a globalized society, to have more confidence in our greatest strengths as well as to know our greatest weaknesses. Perhaps we can find the confidence to communicate with foreign engineers like Yu-san and get to know each other better.

Ok. Please check Yu-san's article.

P.S. The next periodical entry will be posted January 11th due to the end of the year vacation, perhaps we will post a non-periodical article though. We would appreciate it if you could wait till the beginning of next year.