〈Are you already experiencing symptom〉



Distortion of the head can cause the following symptoms

Autonomic nervous system disorder, poor thinking ability, eye fatigue, headache, pain behind the eyes, eyestrain, dry eyes, watery eyes, poor vision, deformed eyes, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, headache, lightheadedness, insomnia, fatigue that cannot be removed, stiff shoulders, neck pain (numbness), hunched back, jaw joint pain, toothache, stomach disorders, swelling, etc.

Do you spend your days thinking that you are just tired?
Do you think that as the days go by, it will stop bothering you?

That way of thinking may lead to regret in some cases.

If you were to order the things you regret, they would be

1,Sagging face
2,Poor eyesight (dry eyes, eye strain, eye deformities)

Don't you think that neglecting the distortion of the head continues to cause considerable damage to yourself?

It is the "sagging face" that we are concerned about but tend to neglect.

The "eye" is indispensable to our lives, but we try to cope with it only with medicine.

The "autonomic nervous system," which we don't even realize is sick.

There are many things I wish I had noticed before I had a major breakdown.

Physical health.
Important things.

A sagging face caused by a distorted head, a sagging face caused by lack of stress relief, a sagging face caused by a patient personality.

It could be caused by a patient personality.
Could be caused by a stubborn personality. 


I believe that taking care of yourself is also the stubbornness to move on when pain, worry, and anxiety become unbearable.

People who don't take care of themselves don't know how people really feel." ......

What do you want now? Because we can't see it, we end up putting it off.

When the autonomic nervous system is affected, even minor stress or anxiety can cause insomnia, headaches, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Insomnia, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, abdominal pain, and diarrhea can easily occur.

To resolve these problems, it is important to correct the distortion!

1,Concerned about sagging face
2,If you are concerned about poor eyesight
3,If you are concerned about your autonomic nervous system

If you are not concerned about distortion, your problems will only increase. ......

First, check your own head for distortion!

Look in a mirror and do it with your family or partner.

  • Eye height is different from left to right
  • Eye size is different from left to right
  • Ear height is different from left to right
  • Width of the face is different from left to right
  • Face shape looks crooked
  • The size of the nostrils is different on each side
  • The center of the face or the shape of the chin is different from left to right
  • The shape of the head viewed from above is different from left to right.

If two or more of the above apply, there is distortion!


Two or more apply and


Autonomic nervous system disorder, poor thinking ability, eye fatigue, headache, pain behind the eyes, eye strain, dry eyes, watery eyes, poor eyesight, eye deformity, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, heavy head, blurred vision, insomnia, fatigue that cannot be removed, stiff shoulders, neck pain (numbness), hunched back, jaw joint pain, tooth pain, stomach problems, swelling, etc.


If you are also experiencing these symptoms

If you are also experiencing these symptoms, please take care of the distortion right now!

If you are suffering from facial sagging, let's look not only at the surface of the face, but also at the deeper layers of the face to fundamentally solve your problems!

Next time, head distortion solution? will be brought to you.
Please look forward to it!



I have stopped writing my blog again....
My apologies to anyone who reads it...

Self Reform

I've been spending a lot of time trying to discipline myself and wondering, "Is this right?" I have spent a lot of time trying to discipline myself.

I think I have been doing the best I can at the time, but....

But somewhere, it is not enough.
I had this feeling at the bottom of my heart.
I accepted it as it came out.
I came back home after facing it and beating it back into shape!

I have a tendency to take detours.
Sometimes I don't like it.

I will continue to correct my path to the path that can correct my own distortion and continue to write about it. ❤︎

I hope you will join me for a fresh start!

The homepage has also been renewed with a fresh start!


Salon specializing in sagging improvement〈たるみ改善専門サロン〉