35 : 220 Yen | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Saw the drain washer of Hunter Cub, CT125 price at Iwasaki Motorcycle goods shop, and it was 220 yen per one.

Had bought it on the net at Amazon, then the price was only 35 yen per one, included transportation cost.

Yes, it has turned net age from analogue. No one can stop it, really.


It was rainy and stayed at home mainly. But, in the afternoon, went out by car to kill time. The first stop was at this motorcycle goods shop to see helmets for CT125. The prices were reasonable.

There was a used motorcycle shop in the house, too. The name was Bike-Ou which means 'king of bike', but bike means bicycle, stupid, I know it.

And drove to a bookshop to view a weekly magazine and travel magazines. For, our Kyushu motorcycling is upcoming.

Viewed it enough, like this. LOL.

The physical book shop age was gone, and they moved to on the net, we know it well.

Customers were few number although it was a big shop. No way!

After there, drove car to the motorcycle gear shop. That was here. And saw the washer price.

On the way back to home, had a brief stop at this car gear shop named Autobacs.

The tires of my Jimny Sierra should be renewed in this year?

Well, that about it, it was a shop wandering day, really.