Idling Day | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Weather Forecast told it would be rainy in the afternoon, and stayed at home, killed time doing my daily routine and web-surfing and Youtubing.
Only thing did was cut two part of roots of the stub of jujubi tree in my garden. No way!


And went out by my Hunter Cub to enjoy motorcycling before rain. Iode it at Aji Pen, first.

And Jizou Pass, like this.

On the way, rain started, and hurried to home.

After them, went out for lunch at Tsurumiya. That was this.

It was not crowded as it at oyster season.

Ordered a plate of fried buckwheat. It was cooked with beef fat and was healthy and delicious. Good!

And the price was only 700 yen, Reasonable!

Went back home by car in rain. After them, watched TV and email and texting. Sent a text to Matsuyama motorcycle friends about the upcoming Kyushu motorcycling idea.

Well, that's about it. It was an idling day, really.