Ramen Motorcycling | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

After my daily routine, fixed the clanky gate door. And check weather forecasts. On the next day, it would be rainy. So, got out to motorcycling, and decided to enjoy sweet fish at Yotakaya, Tokushima Prefecture.
Then, visited my secondary bank blanch and drew cash at an ATM.

That's it.

And charged it to e-bank accounts, at a convinience shop.

That's it.

After them, went to Takamatsu Airport side to enjoy delicious and cheap lunch at Yoshida ramen restaurant. Parked my motorcycle at footpath of beside Route 377. 

And got into the restaurant.

Inside of the restaurant was crowded even before noon, asu usual.

Ordered a bowl of ramen, 500 yen only! Great!

And a half sized fried rice, too. The total expense was only 700 yen. Cheap! But, both of them were delicious. Unbelievably! Great!

The restaurant is not clean, or should I say 'shabby'? But, the meals are delicious and cheap. Good for me.

After the lunch, enjoyed motorcycling for a while, 2 or 3 hours through country road, or road in forest.

In the evening, booked my sweet fish restaurant. Along the way, my junior of pole-vault world texted me his sickness, but it looked OK, he told by the text.

Well, that's about it.