Got Flatfish on Target | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Yes, caught a good sized flat fish on target by warrase which fished by myself for bait. That was this, around 55 centimeters. Great!

Well, left home at before 5 by Hunter Cub which was loaded all fishing gears on, as usual. That was this.

Arrived the port at 5:20, before the appointed time, and did preparations for fishing, on the wharf and our boat both.

Left our fishing port at 5:40. We are mooring our boat there. The sea was calm, and the sky was blue, good for fishing.First, fished porgy au usal, and caught some and a small flatfish.

After the porgy fishing, switched to fish wrasse, and caught two. Then, started to fish flat fish by the bait which was the fished wrasse. And caught it!

Actually, hit-sign happened twice. But at the first one was happened when I lost watching the rod and lost it. Tears!

The fished place was here. Great!

The fishing restlt was this and a bit more. Good result.

After fishing, moored our boat and went back home. The flat fish was good to eat.

Well, that's about it. Satisfied.
The rest things were, took my Niken GT to my Yamaha dealer to get inspections, and left it, and so on.