Lunch Refugee | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

It was rainy and went out for lunch by Jimny Sierra. The first stop was at a supermarket where my favorite weekly magazine was. And viewed it, as intended.The first destination was Baka-Ichi which was a popular noodle restaurant. Supposed ti would be not crowded for it was cold and rainy.
However, at around 10:00, around 50 customers were waiting outside in rain. No way!

The second destination was my Mercedes car maintenance shop, and it was working but skipped it. Also, Sri Ranka curry restaurant, skipped it.

So the next lunch restaurant preferred was Ryu (dragon). That was this.

My choice was a set of a small bowl of Champon (mixed ramen) and a small plate of fried rice with soup and pickles, 900 yen. Reasonable, and satisfied.

Went back home, and did something at home watching baseball games on TV. In the evening, went out in rain again to see fishing gear shops. The first shop was Jump-World. And the second was Tuckle Berry.

The third one was Kameya. Every shop, didn't buy anything.

In the evening, killed time watching YouTube on PC. Well, that's about it.