Got Skunked again! | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Fishing was scheduled and did it as planned, but got skunked again. No way!


In the morning at 6:30, left home heading for our fishing port by Hunter Cub which was loaded all fishing gears, like this. Good!

Arrived the port at around 7, and did preparations for fishing.

The sea was calm, no wind but a bit cold.

Tried to fish as well as we, the aged 3 fools, could.

However no hit was. You can see Mt. Yashima over there.

Along the way, a boat of coast guard came, but nothing was on us.

Came back to our port at 11:30. The result was only one red rockfish on us, the 3 aged fools. No way!

Yes, got skunked again. No fish during 3 months on me. No way!

Went back home at around 12:30. And wasshed and rest the fishing gears. Well, thatt was about it. Yes, no cure for the fools.