

An English diary to keep my English literacy.

The day of part with my old and aged Mercedes 190E 2.6 is the next day. And took a test drive in the morning.

Bought it as the last one to stop enjoying cars, but it turned too old and sickly.

Sometimes, it stopped on road. 

And not restarted occasionally. No way!

Sometimes, felt fear of my life.

In case, in heavy rain, at a top of mountain, or all that.

So, it would be appropriate time of farewell, thought so.

Well, that's about it. Goodbye my Mercedes.

It was too muggy, the hottest temperature was 38 degree, the lowest was 28. No way! Then, stayed at home all day time, in an air-conditioned room. No way!


In the evening, at around 16:00, went out by Jimny Sierra to see outside landscape. 

Did it around one hour, and was a good breath on me.

After that, started the Mercedes engine to take it off with no trouble on July 31th.

Well, that's about it. It was too muggy to do things.

The day to take my aged and sickly Mercedes off is upcoming. The day is July 31th.
So did preparations for it. Such as documents check and so on.

The price is 150,000 yen. Thought it is reasonable.

Even the key holder, prepared for it. It was 6,000 yen or 8,000 yen.

BTW, in the morning, did things for fishing. Jointed lead line with the maine line of a reel. Made a new hook set for flatfish fishing, and so on.


In the evening, the shredder was arrived. Ordered it a couple of days before on the net.

Assembled it. Like this.

The dust box was this. That is OK.

It workes well.

Well, that's about it.
Stayed at home, not went out. No way. As this way, July 28th went by me.

Fishing was scheduled and left home at around 5, as usual, by Hunter Cub. That was this. Twisted!

Reached to our fishing prt, as usual. The weather was OK, but too muggy.

Fished by 11:00 and caught some porgies and wrasses.

Tried to fish flat fish by line wrasse as a bait, and two good hits were happened. But both of them were gone. No way!

When came home, conuments were arrived from Car-Next company which was the one I'll sell my old Mercedes.

And filled in the papers, and attached some, 5, or 8, official documents in the return envelope. That was it. 

And drove my car to a post office to send it as an express mail. And did it.

Well, that's about it. It was a bit tough day, but my COVID-19 looked recovered around 80 percent or so.

Did documents preparation to sell my sickly Mercedes. First, to get 2 kinds of attestation papers at my Suzuki dealer in Takamatsu.

They were letter of proxy and deed of transfer papers, those were these. Good!

Went there in the morning by the Mercedes. My salesman looked wanted to sell something as the next car of me.

My aged and sickly Mercedes worked, but not perfect. I wondered a bit.

In the afternoon, went out to have a breath by my Japanese car, Jimny Sierra, for an hour or so.

In the afternoon, at around 15:30, left home heading for my successor's office to get the company stamp and the stamp certification paper.
Went there by Hunter Cub for there was no car parking place. No way!

And got it at 16:00 as planned.

We had a chat or two, there. Good!
Took a pack of stone-bread and gave it for him, as a thank for his effort.

Things were down well and all, as intended.
Went back home, and did preparations for the fishing on the next day.

The rest things were ordered a shredder to Amazon on the net. The price was 3,000 and a half or so, included transportation fees. Yes, times, they are changing.