ふっくんのブログ -2ページ目


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

There's a way to fish named Omokku which means sinker and hook letrally in Japanese. Amd tried to make it with my original idea.

First, visited this fishing gear store to buy hook line which was flexible one.

That was this, we call it PE line.

It's not cheap but strong enough.

Cut the line and linked with hooks. Like this.

Tried to make two kinds of it.

After couple of hours, made two kinds of it. Great! I'll test it on tomorrow. It's hard to wait.

Along the way, popped up a new idea. That was a cut pipe to change porgy hook set on boat. And tried to make it.

Made two kinds of it. Great!

As these ways, autumn has come and summer has gone. That's about it.

The muggy summer has gone, and it's autumn already.


The muggy summer has gone, and it's autumn already. And did my vehicles examinations. Such as liquid, oil, and air pressure check and all that.

Most of them were all OK, but the time to engine oil change was came at my Niken GT. That was this.

And did lubed to all chains of 3 vehicles. It was a bit tough at the muggy day, even in the morning.

For lunch, went to my favorite buckwheat restaurant after 2 months COVID-19 by Jimny Sierra.

And enjoyed the meal. Good! That was this, 1,000 yen.

And did making a new style hook for wrasse, but it was a bit tough, and mistook a lot. No way!

In the afternoon, tried to make porgy lures as my hand crafting. The most of materials were bought at 100 yen shop, LOL.And made 2 kinds of it. These were those. Good! Do they work well? This was one of them.

In the afternoon went out for the downtown by bicycle for exercise and to throw out trashes of lure making in a bin of Kawaramachi Station. It was very muggy but good for health of aged man, me.

In the evening, did monthly backup to my PC, along the way.
As this way, the muggy summer went by me.


A chinless typhoon was upcoming and was rainy, so stayed at home maily.
The first thing was cut buds of jujube in my garden. It was very pesky, even the main root was cut couple of month before. I have cut around 60 or 100 buds of it.

For lunch and breath, went out by Juimny. It was not rainy, almost cloudy only. The first destination was this shabby restaurant, Goenyasu. It means '5 yen ceap' literally.

The restaurant is popular, and it was crowded as usual even it was a typhoon day. Got into it. Then around 10 customers were waiting. No way!

After a while, took my seat, and ordered a bowl of sprout ramen and a small plate of fried rice, 1,000 yen.

That was this. Waited 30 minutes or so, and ate them all. Good and reasonable.

On the way back to home, drove my car through sia side roads. You can see the calm Seto Sea, although a big typhoon was attacking, media told.

You can't believe things media says.

On the way back to home, had a brief stop at a shopping mall, Aeon. There, took walking in it for exercise.

Bought a clip set at Daiso, 100 yen shop.

Went back home at around 15:00. And updated the hook sets for wrasse fishing, and did OS update of my PC.

Along the way, a call came, and it told the expense was 22,000 yen to fix my watch which was 20,000 yen as a new one. Of course,  I refused to repair it. No way!

A typhoon was upcoming, so, thought that there would be little number of guest even at popular noodle restaurant.


So, went to Bakaichi restaurant. There was no waiting guest outside. Good!

But, inside, there were around 10 guests waiting in a row.

My choice was the cheapest one, a bowl of noodle only. But it costed 330 yen. Expensive!

The next visit was the traditional Chinese noodle restaurant, Yoshida. But, it was not working, because of the master's hospital visit day.

Si headed for Tanigawa rice shop which owner's son had been in a jail and his daughter in a law wore tatoo. LOL.
On the way, saw trees of Tara bud which were come out.

On the way, got through Guillotine Pass or should I say fire-pass?

Take a look at this plate. LOL.

Arrived the noodle restaurant as intended and parked my car. There were a few cars, there.

Ordered a bowl of noodle big sized one with an egg. It was 400 yen. That was this, reasonable.

The guy who had been in jail wore beard and I saw his wife's tattoo which was larger from neck to shoulder, for she wore T-shirts.


There, rock-tofu which was hard tofu was on sale, and bought one. It was 300 yen, but not special. Failure.

Drove my car to home, and at home, made two hook sets for wrasse fishing.

In these district, no fear against typhoons, for the land shape and location. So, killed time doing such things in rain. That's about it.



Decided to have a lunch at Ebisuya which Shogo Asano had visited there to enjoy big meal when he as a high-school boy. Now he is a young start of professional baseball team.

Inside the restaurant, some his goods were decorated, such as uniform, sign board, pictures and so on.

The ramen and the fried rice was so so, not very good. The steamed rice was bad.

This Chinese fryingーpan might be given by Mr. Asano?

It was very muggy, but went out to buy parts to make porgy fishing luar. These are sinkers which have joint rings.

Attached joint parts to every sinkers by stainless wire.

And screwed a small screw at the bottom of it, like this.

And bought a jelly type bond at a 100 yen shop, Daiso to fix joint part wire to shinkers.

For porgy new type lure, bough 3 jujube type sinkers, and some sinkers for flatfish fishing.

Well, that's about it, for they told that a large typhoon was upcoming. So did nothing in particular.