Fishing and Documents Preparation | ふっくんのブログ


An English diary to keep my English literacy.

Fishing was scheduled and left home at around 5, as usual, by Hunter Cub. That was this. Twisted!

Reached to our fishing prt, as usual. The weather was OK, but too muggy.

Fished by 11:00 and caught some porgies and wrasses.

Tried to fish flat fish by line wrasse as a bait, and two good hits were happened. But both of them were gone. No way!

When came home, conuments were arrived from Car-Next company which was the one I'll sell my old Mercedes.

And filled in the papers, and attached some, 5, or 8, official documents in the return envelope. That was it. 

And drove my car to a post office to send it as an express mail. And did it.

Well, that's about it. It was a bit tough day, but my COVID-19 looked recovered around 80 percent or so.