ニューヨークタイムズ | ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆

ショピンの魚に恋して ☆羽生結弦選手に感謝を込めて☆












Yuzuru Hanyu Withdraws From Key Skating Event After Injury


OSAKA, Japan — Yuzuru Hanyu’s name was called at practice on Friday morning, and his music, Chopin’s Ballade No. 1, began playing over the public address system. There was only one problem. Hanyu, of Japan, the reigning men’s Olympic figure skating champion and the sport’s biggest star, was nowhere to be seen.

大阪、日本 金曜の朝、ユヅル・ハニュウの名前がコールされた。そして会場内の音響から彼の音楽ショパンの「バラード第1番」が流れた。一つだけ問題があった。日本のハニュウ、男子フィギュアスケート界の現オリンピック王者であり、スポーツの最も偉大なスターの姿がそこに見られなかったのだ。

On Thursday at training, Hanyu had sustained ligament damage to his right ankle during an awkward landing of a four-revolution jump. On Friday night, he was scheduled to compete in an important pre-Olympic competition, the NHK Trophy. But little seems to happen without drama and a sense of crisis in figure skating.


Word spread early Friday that Hanyu, 22, would try to practice in the morning. If his ankle felt stable, he would compete in the evening. His fans, who follow him obsessively, began to gather hours ahead of the short program. Ina Oprisi, the manager of a medical equipment company, had traveled all the way from Romania, even with a ticket only to an exhibition performance on Sunday.
22歳のハニュウが練習を試みようとしていたという話が金曜の朝広まった。もし彼の足首が安定していれば、彼は夜の試合に出場するだろうと。彼の熱心なファンたちは、ショート・プログラムの数時間前から集まり始めた。Ina Oprisiは医療器具メーカーのマネージャーをしている。彼女はルーマニアからはるばるやってきた。日曜日のエキシビションのたった1枚のチケットを携えて。

“I’m checking my watch every five minutes” for updates on Hanyu’s condition, she said.


Japanese reporters and photographers staked out the entrances to Osaka Municipal Central Gymnasium. The waiting was futile. Hanyu did not show up. He was receiving medical treatment, the Japanese Skating Federation said. He still hoped to compete in the evening. Anticipation reached a fever pitch.


And then the answer came: Hanyu had withdrawn. No details were given about the severity of the ligament damage, which occurred when Hanyu essentially did a split while trying to land a quad Lutz. Later in the afternoon, Hanyu issued a statement, saying, “I am very sorry to have everyone worried.”

His doctors had decided that he should not participate, he wrote. He would aim for the Japanese national championships, to be held just before Christmas. Even if he did not compete then, Japanese reporters said, the skating federation’s rules contain an exception that would permit Hanyu to compete at the 2018 Winter Games in February in Pyeongchang, South Korea.


Hanyu is a fierce competitor, and there is wide belief here that he will make every effort to become the first male skater to repeat as Olympic champion since Dick Button of the United States in 1952.

ハニュウは勇猛な競技者である。そして多くの人々が信じていることがある。1952年に米国のディック・バトン氏(Dick Button)以来、オリンピックを連覇する初の男子スケーターになるため全力を尽くすだろうと。

Some observers believe the injury might actually benefit him in a way, by dissuading Hanyu from compulsively trying for six or seven quad jumps at the Games, when his completeness as a skater could bring him a second gold medal with only, say, three or four.



Still, if Hanyu recovers in time for the Olympics, it will be his first international competition in three months. Meanwhile, younger challengers like Nathan Chen of the United States and Shoma Uno of Japan — both magnificent jumpers — now have a chance to try to gain an edge in conditioning and performance.
もしハニュウがオリンピックに間に合って回復すれば、それは彼にとっては3か月後の初めての国際試合となるだろう。その一方で、米国のNathan Chenや日本のShoma Unoのような若い挑戦者たちは、今やコンディショニングとパフォーマンスの面で優位に立とうとしている。

Other skaters and coaches wished Hanyu a speedy recovery on Friday. Some in the sport consider him the greatest skater ever, one whose presence inspires others to elevate their performances.
他のスケーターやコーチたちは、ハニュウが金曜日に速やかに回復することを願った。 スポーツ関係者の中には、彼を歴代最高のスケーターと思っている者もいる。その存在が他の者たちのパフォーマンスをインスパイアするからだと。

“We hope he will be healthy enough to compete,” said Chen’s coach, Rafael Arutyunyan. “He gives so much spirit to a competition.”

「我々は彼が競技できるほど健康であることを願っている。」と、チェンのコーチ、ラファエル・アルテュニアンは語った。 「彼が競技に出ると活気が違うからね。」

Asked whether Chen and Uno might now have a possible edge at the Olympics, Arutyunyan said: “We’re not talking about advantage. Competition is always good when everybody participates.”

チェンとウノが今、オリンピックでの可能性を持っているかとの質問に、アルテュニアンは答えた。「我々は優位性について話しているわけではない。 皆が参加できて初めて、試合はよいものとなるのだ。」