why?.... | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

i arrived yesterday morning then worked.

i texted cen-san but the replay 3 hours later,and she replied...
'sorry, it took times to replay. i'm in Batu right now!"
(o_0)...(T▽T;) why?????????
i replied "(´_`。) uni in Philippines, murti in Bandung and you are in Batu"
how could you guys (ノ◇≦。)
and cen-san replied "i will bring something then"
(・ω・)b ok

i arrived at home around 2 o'clook,and the texting still happen at that time.
since that text makes me (ノω・、), i straight to take a nap
but...after half an hour...
ヽ((◎д◎ ))ゝ ,,,arghhh,atsui
i barely can't sleep, the weather is so hot.i even turn on the ac and i slept under it, but still the heat defeat the ac.
...my bed near the window,so i get straight heat from outside.

because i can't sleep, i go to refrigirator and...
why there is no something that i can drink or eat ((>д<))
then open the cupboard,...there is no snacks also in that place.
why (=◇=;)

then i opened the internet,
why there's no one seems to update their blogs,...


i got a text from my friend(man) "sumpah...kangen!gmn dong".(damn,...i miss u...)
"oi,are you not sending to a wrong person?". he "of course with you". me "are you sick?". he "kamu tu ya, makin galak makin gemesin"(translate yourself). me "so?". he "i miss u,i call u ok?". me "i'm tired and sleepy". he "(^_^;)"

my friend(man) called me "(my name) i miss you, why you never call or text me?". me "what for?". he "can you speak more like girl!". so i speak like he said, then "back as usual, is not u". and blablabla

and i saw this yesterday

blue sky

"Glasser in side" -> which side?(^ ^)
"Glass inside"

aaaaa,my back (゚_゚i) hurt