♪ | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

blue sky

ureshi...happy...banzai ヾ(°▽°)ノ
at last the most stresfull and tiring job, that i had worked for this 3 months done today,...yataaaaaaaa ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ
although i still owe 4 works and the files ( ̄_ ̄ i) but i fell relieve in some way.
and tomorrow i have to out of town for work with 1st flight(´_`。) and i have to get back on saturday morning.

lately, manga and magazine(about anime & manga) that i bought and i want to read i put it near my bed,
about an hour ago when i realised that they already stacking, i want to put it in their place,and after few minutes... ∑(-Д-;)
nani... ( ̄□ ̄;) it is near to full
i even confused where i was gonna put that manga(in the floor)
where i will put the next magazine and manga,
do i have to buy a new bookself?and where will i put that in my room?(→o←)ゞ

blue sky

uni-san already in Philippines today,
last night, she keep calling me about this and that,
and she got diarhea because of tense, since this is her 1st time to go abroad, and i said to her please stay cool and relax or your diarhea will not stop.
in the middle of something, i said to her "don't forget to take many pictures but please i don't want to see you in that pictures,hahahahahaha". and uni-san (^▽^;)"do you want me to kick you?!". hahahahaha,gomen ne uni-san.

murti-san will go tomorrow noon to Bandung,
and she keep texted me today.

ヽ(;´ω`)ノhappy vacation my friend, and i still stuck with my work in here.