rooms | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

irishss: hei!
i entered YM today just because uni-san asked me too, but turns out this man(whom i know from myspace about 2 years ago) suddenly pop up and...
irishss: how is your love life?
irishss: still single?
pita: zero
pita: hahahaha
irishss: wow
irishss: so sexy a girl
pita: who?
irishss: still single?????????
irishss: u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pita: (T T) i'm being to busy this few months
irishss: ok
pita: i want vacation
irishss: come to usa
irishss: to me
irishss: we can go around together

who is sexy?me?hahahahahaha(≧▽≦)lol....funny
about the invitation...well let me think about it.
by the way, everytime you pop up why you always begin with that question ( ̄_ ̄ i)


i just wonder why my friends always talks about their love problems to me,
when they know i don't have someone right now and between me and them, their love stories much than me.
it doesn't means that i don't like or i don't want to hear it, but
wouldn't be better if they talk to someone who have more experience.