don't want to think about it | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

this few days i had been relocate and restuffing this goods,
began in the morning and stopped quite night.
when the inspection of this goods took less than half an hour,
quite (´_`。) *miris* when it took me 2 days to restuffing the goods based on their types,
and on the day of the inspection, i had to take my sis to airport at 5 o'clook in the morning(when i slept around 1 o'clook) then back at home again because i had to be ready on the warehouse at 8 past thirty.

blue sky

so what i got?....
my bag got broken
and stiff muscles from backbone up to my feet
so it is uncomfortable to me to do anything 。(´д`lll) .

blue sky

this saturday there will be farewell and birthday party of my friends,
so since few days ago cen-san always texted 'our community' whether we can come or not,
since only me who didn't replied that text, when uni-san called cen-san, cen-san said to uni-san that it is uni's responsible that i have to come,
hontou gomen m(_ _ )m my friends

on the day when i do the restuffing, i got texted from my kohai in university,
"morning friends, can i asks your address.because i want to send the invitation.please replay,ok!"
...quite stabbing when i got this texted on that situation

what my sis said when she came?....'you getting skinier, are you really eat?!"
and my mom also said almost the same,
well, i will not like this if my work don't chase me like train.

i bought this ring and earings.
at first i didn't believe that the price, although it is written 80% discount, it is 3rd class of diamond and using silver for the body,
actually the want that i want only 30%discount(2nd class and the body silver plate it with gold), but they only have size 12 when i wear size 8.

since i don't have ring for work, and my mom keep blabla me that i never wear accecories, so i bought it.
eventhough it's 3rd class and using silver, but its still diamond right?!.
btw, the shape of the earings is ribbon. ribbon in Indonesia language is pita

blue skyblue sky