11/17(tue.) play list~♪ | Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be" blog

Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be" blog

大阪ミナミ・アメ村の Music Bar「Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be(フィービー)"」店主の日記?!


♪【Remembering Doug Sahm (November 6, 1941- November 18, 1999) on Today... 21 years ago.】~♪

本日(11/18)は、敬愛するグレイト・テキサン・ロッカー「Doug Sahm」命日('99年没)... あれから早21年、「Phoe~be」例年通り今夜の営業は、たっぷり「Doug Sahm」~「Sir Douglas Quintet」諸々三昧選盤on airにて、ゴキゲンに献杯の宵にしたいと思います~♪

♪~'Dealer's Blues' (written by Doug Sahm)

from the album "Doug Sahm And Band" ('73/Atlantic SD 7254).
Doug Sahm(vo/g) with Jack Barber(b), George Rains(ds), David "Fathead" Newman(ts), Jack Walrath/Martin Fierro/Mel Martin(horns).
Produced by Doug Sahm, Jerry Wexler & Arif Mardin.

是非ご一緒に... Join with us Together!!!

2020-11-18 Doug Sahm's 21st Memorial Night... at Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be".

★昨晩(11/17 tue.)のplay list~♪

Steve Cropper/Dedicated: A Salute To The 5 Royales
Brinsley Schwarz/The New Favourites Of... Brinsley Schwarz
Faces/A Nod Is As Good As A Wink... To A Blind Horse
Ian McLagan/Bump In The Night
Bonnie Raitt/Green Light
NRBQ/At Yankee Stadium
Robbie Robertson/Self Titled
The Roches/Nurds
Gillian Welch/Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 1
Gillian Welch/Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 2
Gillian Welch/Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 3
Gillian Welch/Time (The Revelator)

では、今晩(11/18 wed.) 皆様のご来店心よりお待ちしています。

Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be"
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