11/24(sun.) play list~♪ | Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be" blog

Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be" blog

大阪ミナミ・アメ村の Music Bar「Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be(フィービー)"」店主の日記?!


★昨晩(11/24 sun.)のplay list~♪

Eggs Over Easy/London '71
J.J. Cale/Stay Around
Taj Mahal/Evolution (The Most Recent)
Brenda Patterson/Self Titled
Hirth Martinez/Hirth From Earth
Marc Ellington/Marc Time
Gram Parsons/Grievous Angel ♪
David Rawlings/Poor David's Almanack
Los Lobos/How Will The Wolf Survive?
Don Nix/In God We Trust
Van Morrison/Three Chords And The Truth

昨夜on air(♪印)レコ('74/Reprise MS 2171)より「GP」不朽の名曲群ドド~ンと^^↓
♪~'Return Of The Grievous Angel' (written by Gram Parsons)

♪~'Brass Buttons' (written by Gram Parsons)

♪~'$1000 Wedding' (written by Gram Parsons)

♪~'Las Vegas' (written by Gram Parsons- Rik Grech)

♪~' In My Hour Of Darkness' (written by Gram Parsons- Emmylou Harris)

GP is the BEST!!!♪

当店「Phoe~be」は、今晩(11/25 mon.)通常通り営業致します!

週あたま月曜... お疲れ様です~

"Good Music" をエエ音で「Phoe~be」呑み是非~♪


Folk Rock Bar "Phoe~be"
♪店舗情報 (Shop Information)♪