ポケットから一言、フィル君の日記 philip gayle's pocket diary -6ページ目

Sunny Days in Astoria and Manhattan

Last night i went to Downtown Music Gallery, which moved to Chinatown a couple of months ago. I saw Jason Stein and Matt Lavelle play bass clarinets. It was good to see Jason again. The gig was right on and it was good to see Bruce as well.

Today was one of the busiest days of the year. I got up at 7 AM (as usual these days) and worked on my archiving project until 10 AM. Then i ate breakfast and took a walk to the storage again, brought back some of the last things and then went to the post office, then worked another 3 hours, then ate a chicken caesar salad at Michael's. The chicken was bad though and my stomach sounded like a dog snoring after drinking doggy wine all night long or something like that. I felt better after a shower and some more work and cleaning. Translation jobs are plentiful now. I finished one up and then met my friend Kurt at the Main Post Office at 34th and 8th Avenue. We ate at a Delicatessen, but i had a Mexican Burger! I gave him some CDs of Houston musicians/friends and hope he likes them and passes them along to someone else someday.
The weather has been splendid lately.
I will take a bus to Philadelphia on Friday to meet my sister and nephew. I haven't seen them in so long! I will post photos soon!
More Later!

Nice weather in Astoria

This weekend has been really nice, in the 60s, sunny, like April.
Today i began a huge poetry archiving project. I am transcribing poems from 1990 to 2008 into computer files, then copying them for archiving to a CD, and keeping other files on my external HD. There are poems from Bloomington, Paris, Slovenia, Tokyo, Sendai, Sagamihara, Chicago, NYC, California, Oregon, Washington, Houston, and elsewhere....some of them i am having a tough time reading! Hahaha, must be the ones written in the wee hours of the morning.

Later today i will head over to the Downtown Music Gallery to see Jason Stein and Matt Lavelle play a bass clarinet duo. I played with Jason at Freddy's in Brooklyn a couple of years ago and it is still the best gig i have been a part of so far in NYC. Jeff Arnal on drums, Jason on bass clarinet, Thomas Helton on bass, me on waterphone....i wish we had a recording of that one.....it'll be nice to see Jason again!

Everyday i call my parents. They are fine. Life goes on. I have 2 new translation projects in the works and an interpreting job that involves oncology and legal stuff as well....hope all is well with everyone. Peace and Love to You and Yours!


Jeff Arnal が経営しているレーベル、Generate Records の10周年記念アルバムに参加させて頂きました。最後の曲にErnesto Diaz-Infante と Jeff Arnal とのトリオの曲で入っています。他にたくさんのミュージシャンが入っていて、面白いオムニバス盤だと思います。良かったら、Generate Records のサイトはこれです:




3 gigs that were GREAT!!!!

My friend Hiroya came back from Sendai, Japan yesterday. I went to the airport and helped him get home. His concerts were a huge success! I look forward to posting the link to the videos when they are up.

I saw 3 really cool shows lately...

The first one was Taka Kigawa's solo piano recital at Le Poisson Rouge on Aug. 24th. It was smashing! He played Murail, Bach, Boulez, Ligeti, and encored with a beautiful Debussy piece! Congrats to him, for it was the largest crowd ever for a solo piano recital there. Also, he had a great review in the New York Times, Here is the link to that:


The second one was Generate Records 10th Anniversary show at Roosevelt Island. I had never been there before. I went with my pal from Astoria, Tohru-San. We saw some really good music! Gordon Beeferman's band was awesome. My friends Ernesto Diaz-Infante and Jeff Arnal (Jeff runs Generate Records) had a duet that was very nice! And also a trio of guitar, amplified sitar, and drums called Aperiodic. All of the sets were awesome! It was great to see some old friends as well as seeing little Ian and Thomas!

Then, my friend had a comp ticket for the Cecil Taylor Trio! It was my first time to see Cecil play, and i was blown away! It was at Highline Ballroom in West Chelsea. An amazing three shows that i am elated to have gone to!

My friend Hiroya will be going back to Maine on Saturday....maybe i will go visit him this Fall.

Two Movies i wanna see!

Two Movie I wanna See!
"Taking Woodstock" is the new Ang Lee movie. I went to Woodstock in Sep. 2007 and it was fun. I loved it! This should be a good movie! Below is the trailer:


Another movie i wanna see is called "District 9". I have heard many people talking about this movie. It seems to be controversial. Below is the trailer:


I hope everyone is doin' groovy and having fun everyday! Be Positive! Howdy!?!

Poem From April...

what have you happened upon today?
with sunbeams glistening like shards of clay,
wet in the rain

today i happened upon the feeling of your pain

clasping my hands,
i breathe again
lick your oval smile
and drink tomorrow before it untangles me

despite this darkness
i will wait

following our shadows until both of us stop

NYC ⓒphilip gayle April 1, 2009




Hot and Humid in NYC..Sweat goes drip, drip.....

Things have been pretty busy lately. I have been working at a photo studio the past few weeks, doing management related work, translating, interpreting etc...
The weather i NYC is hot and humid, but i have my new AC in the window and it works okay. Lots of cleaning and organizing to do.
I will be playing an outdoor gig in Inwood (Upper Manhattan) on Saturday the 22nd. I hope the thunderstorms they are predicting won't come. I guess i won't play if it rains, but either way, it's cool. Whatever happens happens.
I hope everyone is doing well. My good friend Hiroya is in Sendai right now. He will be having concerts and lectures and all kinds of things happening. Right on! I look forward to seeing him and also my good friend Emilie who is in Switzerland right now at a competition. She made it to the final round! She is playing right now as i write this (maybe). Why am i nervous about this? I am across the Ocean, but am rooting for her! Here is the link:


I hope everyone has a great weekend! Eat well! Sleep well! Do good work! Be good to your friends and family!

Rest In Peace, Les Paul....

Les Paul died today at age 94. He not only changed the way the guitar would be played forever, he innovated recording technology as much as anyone did since WW2. A great legend has passed away. Rest in Peace Les Paul. Thank you for the great instruments, and thanks for cool recording studios and equipment too!


手の怪我、我慢の日々 <_>



最近は色々な音楽を聴いている、Gloria Coates, Salvatore Sciarrino, Charles Wuorinen, Roger Reynolds, James Dillon, Stevie Wonder, Grateful Dead, Animal Collective, Volcano, Gilberto Gil, Peter Brotzmann, Cecil Taylor, Anthony Braxton, Bob Dylan, Arditti Quartet, Elliott Carter, etc. etc....